Easiest A Levels To Pass & Best Practices To Get An A*

Easiest A Levels To Pass & Best Practices To Get An A*

November 27, 2023 | 2 years | Hacks & Tips

A-levels can be one of the most challenging experiences in secondary school, and that’s why many students seek the easiest ones to play it safe and guarantee themselves a pass. Let’s see what A-levels most students find easier to pass and what makes them easier than others.

What are the easiest A-Levels to get an A* according to the 2024 results?

The two main ways to analyse if a subject is easier than others are by comparing its overall pass rates (probabilities of getting C or above) and the probability of getting A*. Though some subjects may coincide in both, this is not always the case, so we have split them into two separate lists. According to Cambridge International, these are the top 10 subjects in which students got the most A* grades.

Subject Overall Pass Rate Percentage Achieving an A*
Arabic 87.5% 45.7%
Tamil 86.9% 37.2%
Chinese Language & Literature 99.1% 30.9%
Further Mathematics 86.8% 25.8%
Geography 76% 18.8%
Mathematics 71.5% 15.5%
Chemistry 69.3% 13.8%
Biology 67.4% 13.5%
Economics 65.5% 12.9%
Physics 69.4% 12.1%
Source: Cambridge International A Level candidate grades June 2024

Top 5 easiest A Levels in recent years (2019 - 2024)

The other way to determine what are the easiest A-levels is by analysing the percentage of students who got a passing grade, that is C or above. Here are the top 5 easiest A-levels based on pass rates.

Subject Overall Pass Rate Percentage Achieving an A*
Chinese Language & Literature 97.86% 41.36%
Portuguese 89.11% 10.54%
Further Mathematics 87.86% 29.81%
Spanish 87.84% 14.54%
Tamil 86.9% 37.2%

Source: Cambridge International A Level candidate grades June 2019-2024

Why are these A-levels considered easier?

Personal Preference and Experience

The most common reason why one subject is considered easier than others is the student’s personal experience. However, this way of measuring is too subjective and not representative enough, as students can only sit for an average of 9 subjects, while there are more than 60 options to choose from. For this reason, other statistics, such as the pass rate, are also analysed.

Pass rate

The ranking of the easiest subjects is determined based on statistics collected by the examination boards on the number of students passing each subject and the likelihood of getting high marks. In this way, we can know how easily students find every subject with a more representative measure, using hard data and thus drawing objective conclusions.

Evaluation methodology

At the same time, we can try to understand not only which subjects are easier but why. For instance, we can look at the way each subject is assessed. As already mentioned, some subjects include a series of easy-to-connect topics, while others allow students to prepare their answers in advance. In this way, these innovative methods make it easier for students to pass them and achieve excellent results.

Skills & Aptitudes

Related to the previous point, different examinations evaluate knowledge, but also different types of skills, which may be easier for some students. For example, subjects including Maths are typically considered harder by some students, while subjects with more theoretical content, which include essay writing, tend to be easier, as students have probably practised their ability to write essays for different subjects throughout their school life and have already developed this skill by the time they take A-levels.

What are the easiest A Levels to do in one year?

The truth is that there is no specific A-level that is easier to do in one year than others. Instead, what matters the most, is your study strategy.

For example. It may be wise to select subjects that contain similar content, like Science, Biology, Chemistry or Physics, allowing you to interrelate topics and analyse them from different points of view.

At CloudLearn, we have calculated the ideal study time that you should dedicate to each of your A-levels in order to succeed. That is 360 total study hours per subject. Covering the entire syllabus and revising for that time will guarantee you pass your A-levels. Just calculate and distribute those hours in a set period of time and you will be able to pass your A-levels with flying colours, while fast-tracking them to just one year. If you are looking to get all A*s (or close) take a look at the following tips!

What to do to make A Levels easier to study and pass? 5 Tips

Create a study plan

Once you have chosen the exam date and how many subjects you are taking, calculate how much time you have left until exam day and distribute the total 360 hours per subject. Based on this, set up a chronogram assigning dates for the topics in the syllabus to make sure you have covered all of them before the exam.

Keep a realistic schedule

When creating your timetable and calculating the time you will dedicate to each subject, also keep in mind other aspects of your life: holidays, weekends, events, and sick days. All these situations can reduce the time you have for studying, so consider some spare time, just in case. Also, don’t try too hard: although some students may be able to dedicate more than 8 hours a day to studying, it could be difficult for most people. That’s why we recommend being honest with yourself and calculating your study time based on your own time-management skills.

Revise often

Include revision time within your schedule. We recommend devoting one day per month to revising previous topics and avoiding forgetting the first things you learned as you advance through the syllabus.

Take online courses

Studying and taking A Levels exams privately can be challenging, but online courses provide structured learning and essential support. With online schools, students can access comprehensive, self-paced courses designed to cover the entire syllabus efficiently.

These courses include interactive materials, recorded lessons, and structured revision plans to help students stay on track. By choosing an online course, students gain flexibility while ensuring they receive high-quality teaching and expert guidance throughout their studies. In summary, it’s homeschooling with a guide! 

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Talk to a private tutor

Understanding complex topics can be overwhelming, but having access to a dedicated private tutor can make a significant difference. Online colleges such as CloudLearn offer on-demand tutoring, allowing students to receive personalised support whenever they need it. Whether it’s clarifying doubts, getting feedback on practice exams, or receiving guidance on difficult concepts, having a tutor ensures students stay motivated, improve their understanding, and boost their confidence before exams.


Although determining which are the easiest A-levels to sit for depends mostly on a personal perspective, statistics can serve as a guide for a more objective analysis. However, students can find their own ways to make any subject easier to study by choosing academies that enable more flexibility. CloudLearn allows students to study at their own pace, fast-tracking topics and contact their tutors whenever they need it. Check all our A Level courses and fast-track your success!


Which A Level is easiest to pass?

According to Cambridge International, the easiest A level to pass is Chinese Language & Literature, with a surprisingly high 99.1% pass rate!

Which A-Levels are the hardest?

Based on pass rates provided by Cambridge International, the hardest A-levels are Thinking Skills, Marine Science and English Language, each with a pass rate of 20.1%, 22.4% and 22.6%, respectively.

The good news is that, with CloudLearn, passing your English A-level is guaranteed when following our study plans and recommended study hours!

Have A Levels gotten easier?

No. A-levels only had lowered exigencies during the pandemic, as examination boards understood the context was not ideal for exams, but evaluation standards have gone back to normal since 2023.

Which A Levels are worth the most?

The worth of your A-levels is not the same for everyone. Universities analyse your application profile and how it relates to the course you are applying to. For example, if you are studying a medicine-related course, your examiners will probably appreciate A-levels in science-related subjects, like Chemistry, Biology and Physics.

What A Levels do universities like?

Similarly, universities don’t “like” certain A-levels, but analyse how connected your A-levels are to the course you are applying to. Some universities have specific entry requirements, but many others will analyse profiles regardless of the A-levels you have selected.

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