Best Way to Revise Science GCSE (According to Experts & Students)

Best Way to Revise Science GCSE (According to Experts & Students)

March 14, 2024 | 12 months | Hacks & Tips

How can I succeed in GCSE science?

GCSE Science covers Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, making it a comprehensive subject that requires understanding complex concepts and their interconnections. With such a broad range of topics, maintaining an organised study schedule and staying motivated are crucial for success.

Succeeding in GCSE Science not only enhances your academic profile but also establishes a strong basis for future scientific pursuits. This guide provides effective revision strategies and resources to help you excel in your exams and achieve outstanding results.

How to revise effectively for GCSE science

Fortunately, you are not the first student to sit for this exam, and former GCSE candidates have been commenting on the best study strategies to ensure success in this subject. Let's have a look at the top recommendations we found on forums and blogs and some key strategies you may want to keep in mind.

Top 3 revising tips (according to students)

1. Use revision books

Revision books are invaluable for condensing and summarising key scientific concepts. They often include simplified explanations, diagrams, and quick-reference guides, making them an essential tool for effective revision. Especially with subjects such as Science, revision books are of utmost importance, as they serve as a guide through the topics, which are sometimes so broad it is hard to find the connection between them.

2. Practise past papers

Past papers are a goldmine for understanding exam patterns and the types of questions asked. Regular practice with these papers can significantly improve your exam technique and time management skills. Test your knowledge with past papers as you revise to determine which points need more revision and focus on them.

3. Consider your exam board specifications

Different exam boards have slightly varied curricula and assessment styles. Familiarising yourself with your specific board's specifications (this is always included in the introductory section of your CloudLearn course) can help tailor your study approach more effectively. Keep in mind marking schemes to find out which topics are usually considered the most important.

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Other effective study techniques

Identify your learning style

Identifying your learning style is crucial. Whether you're a visual, auditory, or kinaesthetic learner, adapting your revision technique to fit your style can greatly enhance your understanding and retention. Use some of the techniques below to adjust your revision strategies to what suits you best.

For instance, mind maps are great for visual learners, while audiobooks work best for auditory learners and kinaesthetic learners can benefit from using sticky notes with important concepts around their study place.

Create your revision timetable

This is definitely a must! Creating a revision timetable helps in organising your study schedule, ensuring a balanced approach to all topics in the subject. While many people believe that revision is a final step to carry out, we highly recommend making revision part of the overall study process, appointing regular revision sessions in your calendar.

Continuous revision helps you keep all the information fresh in your memory, not allowing you to forget about topics as time goes by.

Identify keywords and key topics to study

Understanding the key topics and keywords in GCSE Science is crucial for targeted and efficient revision. Science includes lots of complex concepts and terms that are hard to explain in your own words. Having all this vocabulary in your toolbox will help prove your knowledge in the matter and be more concise when answering questions (check out the Science Glossary in CLoudLearn's Science courses to brush up on all the required terms).

Understand before revising

Before delving deep into memorisation, ensure you have a thorough understanding of the concepts. This foundational understanding is key to applying knowledge in different contexts. Furthermore, truly understanding concepts will make it a lot easier to remember them on the day of the exam than simply memorising abstract theories.

gcse science student

Parent tip: Ask your kids to explain a concept in a simple way, forgetting about the technical terms and formalities (they can add those later). Being able to explain concepts their own way means understanding and processing them without having to memorise them.

Get a dedicated tutor

Consider getting a dedicated tutor, especially if you find certain topics challenging. A tutor can provide personalised guidance and clarify doubts effectively. At CloudLearn, every student is appointed an exclusive 1-to-1 tutor to ask questions, request extra material, and have their knowledge evaluated before the day of the exam.

Watch revision videos

Revision videos, available on platforms like YouTube, offer visual and auditory learning opportunities that can be particularly helpful for complex topics. Listening to explanations from other people (either teachers, tutors or even fellow students) can help you learn more in-depth, as they can show other perspectives on subject topics.

Use flashcards

Using flashcards for quick reviews of important facts and formulas can be a handy tool for revision. You can even make them as you study the syllabus and complement them with note-taking. This way you won't need to dedicate time for this task only for revising at the end of the course.

Draw mind maps and visual diagrams

Drawing mind maps and visual diagrams aids in connecting different concepts, making it easier to recall information during exams. Both making the mind maps and looking at them later will help in memorising information, so it is important that you draw them yourself.

Explain it to others

Explaining scientific concepts to others is an excellent way to reinforce your own understanding and identify any gaps in your knowledge. Concepts may seem clear when you read about them, but you will certainly notice if you are missing something once you try to replicate the information. This will help you rehearse what your answers will be in the exam.

Parent tip: Help your child revise by asking them to explain the topics to you. Even if you are not familiar with the topic, asking questions about the subject can help them test their knowledge and how they formulate their answers.

Use mental associations and chunking

Mental associations and chunking can help in remembering complex information by breaking it down into more manageable parts. It is okay to make your own silly associations, even if they are not connected to the topics themselves. Associating complex concepts with personal likes and experiences will trigger your emotional memory, which makes it much easier for you to retrieve information later.

Practice spaced repetition

Practising spaced repetition, a technique where you review material over increasing intervals of time, is effective for long-term retention.

Check online forums

Online forums provide you with valuable academic information as well as study strategies and study mistakes to avoid. Listening to other people's experiences is always helpful.

Parent tip: You can also check online forums to find out how other parents help their kids study for their GCSEs and share experiences.

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Where can I study GCSE science?

Can I study GCSE science at home?

Yes, with the advent of online education, studying GCSE Science online courses from the comfort of your home has become increasingly accessible, especially for students who have been homeschooled throughout their entire education. Homeschooling GCSEs allows for flexible learning tailored to individual schedules.

Websites to revise for GCSE science

There are numerous websites offering comprehensive revision materials, interactive quizzes, and video tutorials for GCSE Science. Some popular ones include BBC Bitesize, Gojimo, and Seneca Learning.

Study books and guides

Choose study books and guides that are aligned with your exam board. These resources provide detailed coverage of the syllabus and often include practice questions and tips. Studying on your own, however, can fail to provide you with the exact knowledge you need to keep examiners happy. Our specially designed courses at CloudLearn ensure that there are no topics or concepts missing for you to excel at your Edexcel Science GCSE.

GCSE science online courses

The best GCSE online courses offer structured learning paths, often with access to tutors and a variety of learning materials. They're ideal for students who prefer a more guided approach to studying. Additionally, some academies offer special benefits in terms of exam preparation. At CloudLearn, students don't have to worry about finding the best exam centre; we do it for you! Skip the hassle of booking your exam and saving your place there.

Online forums and communities

Engaging with online communities can provide support, clarify doubts, and offer insights from fellow students and educators. Students can enter forums like The Student Room where they can check previous questions and answers and also make their own. At CloudLearn, additionally, students can contact peers on our integral platform, where you normally access course materials. Everything is brought together on the same platform to keep you engaged and motivated.

What is the best way to revise for science GCSE? Get expert help!

Ultimately, the best way to revise for GCSE Science is a combination of understanding your personal learning style, using a variety of resources, and seeking expert advice. Remember, persistence and a positive mindset are key to excelling in your GCSE Science exams. Enrol in CloudLearn's online courses and merge them with strategic revision to guarantee yourself a passing mark.

gcse science student


How to revise for GCSE science in a week?

Revising for GCSE Science in a week requires focused and intensive study. Prioritise key topics and utilise effective revision techniques like past papers and flashcards. We do recommend making revision part of the entire process, and you won't need to revise everything together shortly before the exam. Discover how to revise with CloudLearn and check out our online courses.

How many hours a week should you revise for GCSE science?

We suggest making revision part of your study process and not leaving it for the last minute. Having said this, the recommended study time totals 120 hours per subject, ensuring not only a passing mark, but an outstanding one.

How to get all 9s in GCSE science?

Achieving top grades in GCSE Science demands a deep understanding of the material, consistent revision, and effective exam techniques. Regular practice with past papers and seeking clarifications on complex topics are crucial.

Does failing science GCSE matter?

While failing GCSE Science can be a setback, it's not the end of your academic journey. You can retake the exams or explore alternative qualifications and pathways.

Is it hard to pass science GCSE?

The difficulty of passing GCSE Science varies for each student, though its passing rate can give us a hint of how difficult it is, statistically speaking. Almost 60% of students achieve grades above 4, while less than 10% achieve grades 7 or above. With the right study strategy and resources, passing the Science GCSE is not only achievable but guaranteed.

What is the hardest science for GCSE?

The perceived difficulty of a science subject at GCSE level varies depending on individual strengths and interests. However, we can determine exam difficulty based on the percentage of students who pass them. Biology, Chemistry, and Physics each have their unique challenges and complexities, but they have a 90% pass rate, making them statistically easy GCSE subjects.

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